Overview: What are we talking about?
The articles covers how to add an image to a newsletter.
Adding an Image to a Newsletter
First create a new newsletter or begin editing an existing newsletter. Once on the Edit screen, you will be able to add a new image by clicking the File/Image Uploader.
A new window will pop up. Click Choose File to browse your computer for an image.
- Find and select the image you wish to add. Then click Open.
If you would like to resize the image so that it is smaller than 600 pixels, check the box for If you want to resize it. After checking this box, you may see a small preview of the image.
You can then manually type in a new width size into the Width field. The height should automatically change in proportion to the change in width. -
Now that the image file has been opened from your computer, to upload the image to the server click Submit.
A new window will appear. You will receive a message that "Your image has just been uploaded to the Cybergolf Server!!" letting you that your image has been successfully uploaded.
You will notice that there is a note to letting you know where you can find the image and how to insert it into a newsletter.
Copy the Image URL. You may close this new window, however we recommend keeping it open until you complete the rest of these steps. -
Now that the image has been uploaded to the Cybergolf Server, you can now retrieve the image from the newsletter by clicking the Image icon from the HTML Editor.
A new window will pop up.
On the Image Info tab, you can paste in the URL you copied in step 6.
You also can click Browse Image From Cybergolf Server, to view and select images that have already been uploaded to the Cybergolf Server. You will notice that all the images have a file name different than the one that was uploaded.
Once you've pasted in the URL of the image you just uploaded you can adjust the size of the image, or click OK to save your changes and insert the image in to your newsletter.
The image should now be present on your newsletter editor.
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