Overview: What are we talking about?
This article covers how to add a Form Generator.
This article includes:
Add a Form Generator
- Start by going to the page you want to add content to, and click on the title. That should bring you to the page below.
- Click Add New Content.
- On the next screen, click the Form Generator box. Then click Next.
- In the Title field, enter a title for your form (required).
- If you want to receive form answers via email each time a form has been submitted, enter your email address in the Recipient Email field.
To enter more than one email, separate email addresses by a "," (comma).
Example: first@gmail.com,second@hotmail.com
- You also have the option to add these form signups to a BC Guestbook/ Email Database within your email marketing system.
If your business utilizes the Cybergolf Email Broadcast System, then choose database from dropdown list to automatically save your data into that database.
- To be able to download all your form answers to an Excel format, check the box for Save all answers for download.
- To enable a Captcha for the form, check the box for Use Captcha.
If this option is checked, your form will have secure puzzle (captcha) to protect it from spammers.
- Click Create Form.
- Click the link Click Here to Add Questions.
- On the Form Questions tab, you will see a list of possible questions you can add to your form.
- In the Advanced list, you will see common question types as pre-saved options, such as Name, Address, Phone Number, etc.
To add one of these to the form, click on the option. A pop-window will appear. To make that question mandatory, select Yes from the dropdown menu. Then click Create.
The added question will be shown on the form preview to the right.
- In the Standard list, you can add custom questions to your form.
To do so, click on the option of the question format you wish to add.
Single Line Field
User has a single line to enter an answer. Date Field
User can select a specific date by clicking a calendar icon. Multiple Line Field
User has a paragraph box to enter an answer. Dropdown Selection, Checkbox Choice, Radio Button Choice
User can select an answer from a list of answers that you enter.
A pop-up window will appear. Fill in the requested information for your new questions. Then click Create. - Repeat step 12-13 until you have added all your desired questions to the form.
- When finished, click Back to List of Page Contents.
- Click Preview to see how your new form will look on the page.
Video Tutorial
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