Overview: What are we talking about?
The article and video cover how to email blast an offer in GolfRev.
We find that clients that market and send email campaigns for their GolfRev offers typically have a higher number of sales, so we strongly recommend not skipping the email campaign step.
This articles includes:
Email Blast an Offer in GolfRev
- From the GolfRev tab, on the middle Deal Window, scroll down until you see "Market and Sell Your GolfRev Offer."
- In the Email Campaign Subject Line, enter a subject line for the newsletter.
- Then check the box next to the email lists you want to send the offer to.
- Click the button for when to send the email.
- Send Immediately
- Schedule to Send Later
- Then select the date and time to send.
- Then select the date and time to send.
- Click Send or Schedule Email Campaign. Your offer is now ready to go live.
Send a Test Email
- From the GolfRev tab, on the middle Deal Window, scroll down until you see "Send a Test Email."
- Enter your email in the field and click the button Send a Test Email.
- A test email with your GolfRev offer will soon be sent to that email, so you can see it would like when you send to customers.
Video Tutorial
The video instructions specifically to Email Blast an Offer in GolfRev and Send a Test Email are from [3:11 to 4:34] in the video below.
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